
Config = {}

Config.Debug = true

Config.Locale = "en"

---@alias NotifyTypes
---| '"ffa"' # Free for all Notification Type
---| '"gangwar"' # Gangwar Notification Type
---| '"robbery"' # Robbery Notification Type
---| '"info"' # Information Notification Type
---| '"success"' # Success Notification Type
---| '"error"' # Error Notification Type
---@param type NotifyTypes
Config.Notify = function(type, title, message, time)
	TriggerEvent("wise_faction:notify:send", type, title, message, time)

Config.HelpNotify = function(key, msg)
	exports.wise_faction:HelpNotify(key, msg)

-- Admin that can use the Commands (Faction Creator, Add XP, etc.)
Config.Admins = {
	-- ADD MORE ("license:" or "discord:" or "xbl:" or "steam:")

Config.Factions = {
	reloadcmd = "reloadf",  -- Reload Faction (Get Client Faction Data)
	showlevelcmd = "flevel", -- Reload Faction (Get Client Faction Data)
	CanChangeColors = true, 
	Npc = true,             -- Use NPCs for the Faction Menus
	NpcAnimation = true,		-- Plays Animations for NPC
	MaxXP = 3000,           -- Maxmimum XP that is need for the next Level
	BlipSize = 0.8,
	Leveling = {
		-- All Options what happens after leveling the Faction (adding more in the next Update)
		Warehouse = {
			AddSpace = 2 -- Space to add for each Level

Config.Warehouse = {
	SeparateItemTypes = false  -- The Slider in the Warehouse that filters Weapons and Items

Config.FactionCreator = {
	LiveUpdate = true -- Live Updates Faction Postions, etc. (Be carefull, this might cause Problems. Only use if testing)

Config.Garage = {
	UseFactionColor = true -- Use the Color of the Faction for the Vehicles

Config.Actions = {
	RegisterKeyMappings = true, -- Bind Commands to Keys
	Keys = {
		Handcuff = "NUMPAD4",
		PutInVehicle = "NUMPAD5",
		OutOfVehicle = "NUMPAD6",
		Drag = "NUMPAD7",

Config.blipColorByName = {
	["red"] = 1,
	["green"] = 2,
	["blue"] = 3,
	["white"] = 4,
	["yellow"] = 5,
	["purple"] = 27,
	["orange"] = 81,
	["orangered"] = 51,
	["pink"] = 61,
	["black"] = 40,
  	["aqua"] = 26,
  	["azure"] = 63,
  	["beige"] = 36,
  	["bisque"] = 33,
  	["chartreuse"] = 24,
  	["chocolate"] = 21,
  	["coral"] = 17,
  	["crimson"] = 6,
  	["darkcyan"] = 30,
  	["darkgoldenrod"] = 28,
  	["darkgreen"] = 52,
  	["darkorange"] = 64,
  	["lightorange"] = 9,
  	["darkred"] = 76,
  	["deeppink"] = 61,
  	["firebrick"] = 76,
  	["forestgreen"] = 25,
 	["fuchsia"] = 48,
  	["gold"] = 46,
  	["gray"] = 39,
  	["lavender"] = 50,
  	["magenta"] = 27,
	["miami-color"] = 9,
	-- ADD MORE (Color Names, need to be available in wise_fw/settings)
	-- In wise_fw/settings you can set the HexColor for the ColorName

Last updated