Config.Robbery = {
PoliceJob = "police", -- Name of the Police Job to check Online Police
PoliceBlipActive = true, -- Shows the Location of the Robbery for the Police on the Map
interval = function()
return math.random(1, 2)
end, -- Interval for every new Informant that Spawns ( in Minutes ) [Time or Random Function]
NpcStays = 15, -- The Informant waits and then goes away (in Minutes)
NpcPositions = { -- Informant spawn Postions
vector4(785.5665, -1370.1862, 26.6272, 268.7043)
NeededFactionLevel = {
BankRob = 25 -- Banks can only be robbed at a specific Faction Level.
Shops = { -- All Shop Robberys
position = vector3(257.0605, 214.9562, 106.2868), -- Shop Position
name = "TwentyForSeven", -- Shop Name
loot = {
-- The Loot after successful Robbery and bringing the Items successfully to the faction
xp = 1000, -- The XP the Faction is receiving after the Robbery
blackmoney = 100000,
items = {
{ label = "Burger", name = "burger", amount = 2 },
{ label = "Fish", name = "fish", amount = 100 }
radius = 20, -- Zone Size that the Player (that started the Robbery) can not leave
time = 0.5, -- Time to Rob (in Minutes)
minimumCops = 3, -- needed cops to start the Robbery (set to 0 if no cops needed)
Banks = {
position = vector3(257.0605, 214.9562, 106.2868), -- Bank Position
name = "The Bank", -- Bank Name
loot = {
-- The Loot after successful Robbery and bringing the Items successfully to the faction
xp = 5000,
blackmoney = 100000000,
items = {
{ label = "Burger", name = "burger", amount = 200 },
{ label = "Bread", name = "bread", amount = 100 }
radius = 50, -- Zone Size that the Player (that started the Robbery) can not leave
time = 3, -- Time to Rob (in Minutes)
minimumCops = 1, -- needed cops to start the Robbery (set to 0 if no cops needed)
Last updated