Config = {}
Config.Performance = false -- Performance Option, for better performance, non clean UI changes
Config.Timezone = "Europe/Berlin"
Config.Logo = {
enable = false,
src = "./imgs/logo.png"
Config.Tutorials = {
enable = true,
setup = {
["F1"] = "shop",
["C"] = "chat",
["M"] = "menu",
["F2"] = "action",
["F3"] = "call"
Config.ToggleStatus = {
hunger = true,
thirst = true,
stress = true,
stamina = true
Config.VoiceRange = {}
Config.VoiceRange.Marker = {
enable = true,
height = 0.5,
colors = {
r = 255,
g = 0,
b = 0,
alpha = 100
Config.VoiceRange.Index = {
[0] = 5, -- Total voice__value
[1] = 10,
[2] = 15,
[3] = 19
---@type "saltychat" | "pma-voice"
Config.VoiceClient = "saltychat"
Config.UseRPM = true
Config.UseMPH = false -- If true speed math will be done as MPH, if false KPH will be used (YOU HAVE TO CHANGE CONTENT IN UI.HTML TO DISPLAY THE CORRECT TEXT)
Config.StressChance = 0.1 -- Default: 10% -- Percentage Stress Chance When Shooting (0-1)
Config.MinimumStress = 50 -- Minimum Stress Level For Screen Shaking
Config.MinimumSpeedUnbuckled = 50 -- Going Over This Speed Will Cause Stress
Config.MinimumSpeed = 100 -- Going Over This Speed Will Cause Stress
Config.DisablePoliceStress = true -- If true will disable stress for people with the police job
Config.StreesAdd = math.random(1, 3)
Config.InfoPos = 'left' -- or 'right'
-- Stress
Config.WhitelistedWeaponArmed = { -- weapons specifically whitelisted to not show armed mode
-- miscellaneous
-- melee
-- throwables
Config.WhitelistedWeaponStress = {
Config.Lang = {
['stress_gain'] = { label = "Gained Stress", type = "error", time = 5000 },
['stress_removed'] = { label = "Stress removed", type = "success", time = 5000 },
Config.MaxPlayer = GetConvarInt('sv_maxclients', 48)
Config.ZoneName = {
['AIRP'] = 'Los Santos International Airport',
['ALAMO'] = 'Alamo Sea',
['ALTA'] = 'Alta',
['ARMYB'] = 'Fort Zancudo',
['BANHAMC'] = 'Banham Canyon Dr',
['BANNING'] = 'Banning',
['BEACH'] = 'Vespucci Beach',
['BHAMCA'] = 'Banham Canyon',
['BRADP'] = 'Braddock Pass',
['BRADT'] = 'Braddock Tunnel',
['BURTON'] = 'Burton',
['CALAFB'] = 'Calafia Bridge',
['CANNY'] = 'Raton Canyon',
['CCREAK'] = 'Cassidy Creek',
['CHAMH'] = 'Chamberlain Hills',
['CHIL'] = 'Vinewood Hills',
['CHU'] = 'Chumash',
['CMSW'] = 'Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness',
['CYPRE'] = 'Cypress Flats',
['DAVIS'] = 'Davis',
['DELBE'] = 'Del Perro Beach',
['DELPE'] = 'Del Perro',
['DELSOL'] = 'La Puerta',
['DESRT'] = 'Grand Senora Desert',
['DOWNT'] = 'Downtown',
['DTVINE'] = 'Downtown Vinewood',
['EAST_V'] = 'East Vinewood',
['EBURO'] = 'El Burro Heights',
['ELGORL'] = 'El Gordo Lighthouse',
['ELYSIAN'] = 'Elysian Island',
['GALFISH'] = 'Galilee',
['GOLF'] = 'GWC and Golfing Society',
['GRAPES'] = 'Grapeseed',
['GREATC'] = 'Great Chaparral',
['HARMO'] = 'Harmony',
['HAWICK'] = 'Hawick',
['HORS'] = 'Vinewood Racetrack',
['HUMLAB'] = 'Humane Labs and Research',
['JAIL'] = 'Bolingbroke Penitentiary',
['KOREAT'] = 'Little Seoul',
['LACT'] = 'Land Act Reservoir',
['LAGO'] = 'Lago Zancudo',
['LDAM'] = 'Land Act Dam',
['LEGSQU'] = 'Legion Square',
['LMESA'] = 'La Mesa',
['LOSPUER'] = 'La Puerta',
['MIRR'] = 'Mirror Park',
['MORN'] = 'Morningwood',
['MOVIE'] = 'Richards Majestic',
['MTCHIL'] = 'Mount Chiliad',
['MTGORDO'] = 'Mount Gordo',
['MTJOSE'] = 'Mount Josiah',
['MURRI'] = 'Murrieta Heights',
['NCHU'] = 'North Chumash',
['NOOSE'] = 'N.O.O.S.E',
['OCEANA'] = 'Pacific Ocean',
['PALCOV'] = 'Paleto Cove',
['PALETO'] = 'Paleto Bay',
['PALFOR'] = 'Paleto Forest',
['PALHIGH'] = 'Palomino Highlands',
['PALMPOW'] = 'Palmer-Taylor Power Station',
['PBLUFF'] = 'Pacific Bluffs',
['PBOX'] = 'Pillbox Hill',
['PROCOB'] = 'Procopio Beach',
['RANCHO'] = 'Rancho',
['RGLEN'] = 'Richman Glen',
['RICHM'] = 'Richman',
['ROCKF'] = 'Rockford Hills',
['RTRAK'] = 'Redwood Lights Track',
['SANAND'] = 'San Andreas',
['SANCHIA'] = 'San Chianski Mountain Range',
['SANDY'] = 'Sandy Shores',
['SKID'] = 'Mission Row',
['SLAB'] = 'Stab City',
['STAD'] = 'Maze Bank Arena',
['STRAW'] = 'Strawberry',
['TATAMO'] = 'Tataviam Mountains',
['TERMINA'] = 'Terminal',
['TEXTI'] = 'Textile City',
['TONGVAH'] = 'Tongva Hills',
['TONGVAV'] = 'Tongva Valley',
['VCANA'] = 'Vespucci Canals',
['VESP'] = 'Vespucci',
['VINE'] = 'Vinewood',
['WINDF'] = 'Ron Alternates Wind Farm',
['WVINE'] = 'West Vinewood',
['ZANCUDO'] = 'Zancudo River',
['ZP_ORT'] = 'Port of South Los Santos',
['ZQ_UAR'] = 'Davis Quartz',
['PROL'] = 'Prologue / North Yankton',
['ISHeist'] = 'Cayo Perico Island',
Last updated